Bedrock and Groundwater

Prevent your project from hitting the rocks


Bedrock and groundwater depth can have a significant effect on the design of infrastructure, with the very viability of road, rail and construction projects often at stake.


Here at Zetica, our geophysical surveys help you determine the depth to bedrock and identify where significant groundwater occurs – even where ground conditions vary dramatically across your site.


Our surveys can also provide insight on rippability, rock mass quality and more.


Previous bedrock and groundwater projects include road construction and road widening in Scotland, the north of England and Northern Ireland, where shallow hard rocks tend to be more prevalent.


Our bedrock and groundwater services also provide support to the quarrying industry, where the thickness of overburden can make some quarries uneconomic.

Experts in remote work


Often the biggest challenge associated with bedrock and groundwater surveys is the remoteness of the area – with shallow bedrock typically found on high areas of ground which may not have existing infrastructure in place.


As one of the leading engineering geophysics companies in the UK, we’re well used to this kind of challenge, with vast experience in delivering results on some of the world’s toughest terrain.


The nature of the overlying geology can also make determination of bedrock depth difficult – peat being a common issue that hinders some techniques.


That’s why we take an iterative approach to our surveys, deploying a number of techniques and evaluating their effectiveness on an ongoing basis – adapting our survey methods to ensure the best possible results, even as conditions change.

Speak to our team today


To find out more about our bedrock and groundwater surveys, please just call (0)1993 886 682 and speak to one of our geophysical engineers. Alternatively, you can contact us online.